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We recently introduced two new fixture belonging to SoundSation's MOOD family, the MOOD L60 SPOT and MOOD 715Z WASH, both of which are small, powerful and very versatile.
To complete the family of products, a "pure" beam with a bright and concentrated beam could not be missing.
MOOD L100 BEAM also mounts the gobos wheel with 7 gobos and the wheel with 7 colors. Same 16 Bit movements and same display as the other products, so it fits perfectly into a product family that is conceived and designed for those rentals that always have "little time and many different needs to manage," a situation that we know very well and that has inspired many of SoundSation's products.
Considering the size, weight, and effectiveness of SoundSation's new MOOD LED family, we are convinced that there will be many of you who will find these fixtures useful and interesting, precisely because they were created for the specific needs of a segment of the market that demands and needs professional products. The cost is also very interesting, something made possible thanks to the continuous search for technologies and suppliers scattered around the world.
If you would like to see at work or test the MOOD fixtures
or visit us at our headquarters in Porto Recanati, we are waiting for you!
Get to know even better Soundsation Mood L100 Beam
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